Friendly Organizations

Rechtshilfe Rapid – Legal aid and solidarity from and for fans of SK Rapid Wien

Rote Hilfe Wien aims to be an inclusive solidarity organization. They want to be there for anyone who is suppressed or silences because of their political activities. Political or organizational affiliation and ideologies are irrelevant. Die Rote Hilfe Wien acknowledges that emancipatory movements come in all shapes and sizes: that we are all fighting for a better world, free from state repression, makes a cross-sectional organization necessary.    

Anarchosyndikalistische Jugend Wien is an anarcho-syndicalist youth union for all people between 13 and 25 years of age. They see themselves as an organization for the exchange of knowledge and for self-organization by and for young people. They would like to offer schoolchildren, apprentices, students and people in training a structure apart from party-dependent youth organizations for the exchange of ideas. They are committed to a society of equal and free people without exploitation and discrimination. As anarchists they reject rule of people over people in any form and as syndicalists they try to reach this society through direct actions. They understand this to mean direct improvements in our living and working conditions.

WAS – Wiener ArbeiterInnen-Syndikat: Anarchist union for workers of all professions and those otherwise exploited. The union for the abolition of wage labor!